Beechwood Standing Crucifix - Small / Medium / Large
From $34.95
San Damiano Standing Crucifix - 15cm
Olive Wood Standing Crucifix - Small / Medium
From $35.95
Standing Olive Wood Crucifix - Small
San Damiano Standing Crucifix - 9cm
Standing Metal Crucifix with Resin Base
Wooden Standing Crucifix
Standing Olive Wood Crucifix - Small / Medium / Large
From $69.95 Sold Out
Small Standing Metal Crucifix with Wood Base
Standing Metal Crucifix with Wood Base - Medium
Resin Base Metal Crucifix - Water Font
$12.95 Sold Out
Standing Ceramic Crucifix - Footprints
Olive Wood Crucifix With Base - 24cm
Standing Luminous Plastic Crucifix with Metal Corpus
$3.95 Sold Out
Standing Ceramic Cross - Guardian Angel
Wood & Gold Standing Crucifix
Standing Ceramic Cross - Friendship
Standing Wooden Crucifix
Standing Crucifix - Plastic
$20.95 Sold Out
Small Standing Metal Crucifix with Plastic Base
$10.95 Sold Out
Gemstone Crucifix - Turquoise
$21.95 Sold Out
Gemstone Crucifix - Aventurine
Standing Ceramic Cross - Irish Blessing
Standing Wooden Crucifix - Large
Wooden Standing Crucifix of Risen Christ
$34.95 Sold Out
Standing Metal Crucifix with Wooden Base - Large
Gemstone Crucifix - Tiger Eye
Gemstone Crucifix - Hematite
Standing Ceramic Cross - Serenity
Standing Ceramic Cross - God Bless Our Home
Standing Ceramic Cross - Faith
Gemstone Crucifix - Sea Shell
Good Shepherd Standing Crucifix - Small / Medium / Large
From $9.95
Gemstone Crucifix - Agate
Gemstone Crucifix - Quartz
Standing Ceramic Cross - Mother
Standing Ceramic Cross - Home
Gemstone Crucifix - Amethyst
Gemstone Crucifix - Sodalite